An energy audit is the key to a systematic approach to decision-making in the area of energy management. The primary function of an energy audit is to identify all of the energy streams in a facility in order to balance total energy input with energy use. The four main objectives of an energy audit are as follows:

Energy audits vary in depth, depending on the potential at a specific site for energy and cost reductions and the project parameters set by the client. As per ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers) standards, there are three types of audits, outlined below.

ASHRAE Level 1 – Walk-Through Analysis/Preliminary Audit

Level 1

  • Brief on-site survey of building
  • Savings and cost analysis of low-cost/no-cost Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs)
  • Identification of potential capital improvements meriting further consideration

The Level 1 audit alternatively is called a simple audit, screening audit or walk-through audit and is the most basic. It involves minimal interviews with site operating personnel, a brief review of facility utility bills and other operating data, and a walk-through of the facility, all geared toward the identification of glaring areas of energy waste or inefficiency. The data compiled is then used for the preliminary energy use analysis and a report detailing low-cost/no-cost measures and potential capital improvements for further study. Typically, a Level 1 audit will only uncover major problem areas. Corrective measures are briefly described, and quick estimates of implementation costs, potential operating cost savings, and simple payback periods are provided. This level of detail, while not sufficient for reaching a final decision on implementing proposed measures, is adequate to prioritize energy efficiency projects and to assess the need for a more detailed audit.

ASHRAE Level 2 – Energy Survey And Analysis

Level 2

  • More detailed building survey
  • Breakdown of energy use
  • Savings and cost analysis of all ECMs
  • Identification of ECMs requiring more thorough data collection and analysis (Level 3)

A Level 2 audit includes the preliminary ASHRAE Level 1 analysis, but also includes more detailed energy calculations and financial analysis of proposed energy efficiency measures. The financial analysis or Life Cycle Cost Analysis provides the facility owner with comprehensive understanding of the financial benefits of implementing specific energy efficiency measures. Utility bills are collected for a 24 to 36 month period to allow the auditor to evaluate the facility’s energy/demand rate structures and energy usage profiles. This type of audit identifies all energy conservation measures appropriate for the facility given its operating parameters. A detailed financial analysis is performed for each measure based on implementation cost estimates, site-specific operating cost savings, and the customer’s investment criteria. Sufficient detail is provided to justify project implementation.

ASHRAE Level 3 – Detailed Analysis Of Capital Intensive Modifications

Level 3

  • Attention to capital-intensive projects identified during the Level 2 audit
  • More detailed field analysis
  • More rigorous engineering analysis
  • Cost and savings calculations with a high level of accuracy

this level of engineering analysis focuses on the potential capital-intensive projects identified in the Level 2 analysis and involves more detailed field data gathering as well as a more rigorous engineering analysis. It provides detailed project cost and savings calculations with the high level of confidence required for major capital investment decisions. This audit alternatively is called a comprehensive audit, detailed audit, or technical analysis audit. It expands on the Level 2 audit by providing a dynamic model of energy use characteristics of both the existing facility and all energy conservation measures identified. The building model is calibrated using actual utility data to provide a realistic baseline against which to compute operating savings for proposed measures. Extensive attention is given to understanding not only the operating characteristics of all energy consuming systems, but also the situations that cause load profile variations on both an annual and a daily basis. Existing utility data is supplemented with sub-metering of major energy consuming systems and monitoring of system operating characteristics.


Data Collection

Data collection is completed according to the latest edition of Procedures for Commercial Building Energy Audits published by ASRAE. Forms and reports are generated according to the level of audit and to performance or

  • Project Information (Name, Address, Contact)
  • Space Summary (Building Use, Conditioned vs. Unconditioned area)
  • 36 months of utility bills (electric, water, gas)
  • Energy Consumption Summary (count of all lighting and equipment, wattage, run times)
  • Pictures of each type of equipment:
  • Quantity and manufacturer information of all equipment: lighting, pump, fan, refrigeration, cooking, heat, pumps.
  • Energy cost summary by fuel type.